All the RAMPS boards have arrived.
Some of the stepsticks have been backordered but that should not effect the orders going out on schedule.
Most of the Motors have arrived and the rest should be here at the beginning of next week.
All of the SDramps boards have arrived.
All of the 4gb micro SDcards have arrived.
All of the Arduino mega 2560's have arrived.
All of the fans have arrived.
All of the white on blue 1602 LCD screens have arrived.
The professionally made cables arrived and I will be soldering them to their respective components for easy plug and play assembly.
All of the bearings have arrived (not all shown).
The professionally cut glass build plates arrived with all the edges ground so there is nothing sharp to cut yourself on.
Most of the nuts and bolts have arrived and the rest should be in on Monday so I can finish sorting out the kits.
There have been a few delays getting some of the components due to back orders of supposedly in-stock items like the powers supplies. I have been assured that they are being shipped priority express at the beginning of next week. The few metric parts in the kit (M3 x 10 and 8mm drill rods) have also proven hard to get here in Canada in the quantities required and are the last of the hardware components to arrive. We should still be on schedule to have all of the orders from the first Indiegogo campaign shipped by the end of the month. The ones from the Maker Faire extension should only be a short time later.
I will be contacting everyone in the next week to arrange shipping now that I can properly weigh and measure the kits. If you have purchased a hardware only kit and not informed me of which kit you would like (laser cut or printed case) please contact me as soon as possible so we can be sure to get you the correct length smooth rods and the bolts for the printed case.
I will be trying to give you more updates over the next two weeks now that things are here and we are in the final stages of production.
Thanks again to everyone that contributed.